
Gearing up for MOBL NOBL

This coming week is our design charrette called MOBL NOBL. It is exciting to think about coming out of next week with some new designs for key features in the neighborhood. It really builds on a lot of the themes that have come up in choosing over the last 4 years: eligibility, local economy, neighborliness, health. I'm hoping we get a good showing of neighbors and key stakeholders. I was over a Spectrum Health for a meeting earlier today, and the disconnect is just huge. As I was talking with folks there just isn't any real recognition that a neighborhood exists on the other side of the freeway. People are not used to talking about their neighborhood being a place of community and connectedness.

We also had a core group meeting for choosing last night. We are getting into a lot of design details that I just don't really care too much about. I just want to get the freakin thing built at this point! I figure there are people in the group that have much better taste than me, so let them get to it. We really have made some great strides forward in the last month.

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