With September coming to a close and the weather starting to turn, the Faber Fam took advantage of one of the last good weekends before Michigan settles into winter.

We started our day with a trip to the farmers market to pick up some fresh produce for some Autumn Soup. Squash, parsnips and tomatoes were the order of the day and we found them in great supply at various booths up and down the market. We also bought some homemade pita bread. Most of the market was covered in tarps so we maneuvered Levi's stroller, dodging water drops and downpours. It was not the most beautiful of mornings to be at the market, but with all the fall harvest coming in, it was tough to beat. The other great thing about the market is that you run into a lot of people that you know. So we were able to bump into a number of old friends and get caught up while stuffing veggies into our bags.
After we got home from the market, Nora started in on cutting up the veggies for soup. From the way things were going, I thought the soup was going to end up more as a stew. But when I got home from my next outing, I was surprised to find more of a bisk.
I decided to take in another rugby game. So on my way out of town, I stopped by my brother

Jon's house to see if he wanted to come along. He was finishing up some mixing for a client and obviously was getting tired of it, because it didn't take much conjoiling to get him out of the house. Out at the field the weather was off and on between light drizzle and sunny skies. I think most would say it was perfect rugby weather. The Grand Rapids Gazelles did not appear to be doing to well (I'm still learning the sport so it is often tough to tell). In contrast to the last game I went to, this one's referee was stopping play a lot more - I don't know if that was in response to it being rougher or if he was just having a bad day. Jon and I stayed out there for about an hour and then I got him back to his mixing duties.
When I got home I sampled some of Nora's Autumn soup (very tasty).

We then decided to check out the Eastown Street Fair. Our friends' band was playing at 5pm and it had been awhile since we saw them live. The street fair is another one of those places that you know you will run into a ton of people you know. Levi was introduced to several old college friends. We tried out his backpack unit for the first time because the Baby Bjorn is getting a little too small. Your back really starts to feel it after a couple hundred yards of walking around. He also got to try on his new shoes, which are really nice but pretty pointless at this stage of the game. The band was great but we couldn't stay for long because Nora had to get to a party and I was heading out to Matt and Ruth's house.
So we parted ways and I headed out to the Boelkins for some dinner and games.

When I got there the boys were surfing on crab apples from a tree they cut down in the front yard. We had a nice spaghetti dinner and then tried out a new game called
Memoir 44. It is a tribute game to the d-day and reinacts different battles from WWII. It makes me want Levi to grow up faster so that we can play games together. Cohousing will probably help too, board games are tough to play by yourself.
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