
relaxing weekend

Nora and I wrapping up a relaxing weekend. I worked on the house a bit today, played some soccer and then went out to visit with Matt and Ruth.
We are trying to tick off a few things around the house as we get ready to sell or rent it in the next year. There are a lot of little things that we never made it to when we remodeled. Now those things are standing out.
Nora and Levi came with me over to EGR and walked near Reeds Lake while I struggled in soccer. I'm getting a bit more comfortable on the ball but my touch needs some work. I made some good passes though. More than anything I need to be more aggressive and drive play.
We had some fantastic tenderloin at the Boelkins. I beat Adam 11-9 in Game Cube hockey and then took it to him again in a board game. He needs to learn to pick his fights!


week on the lake

We just got back from a week on the lake. It was really great to be with friends and our new families. Every night was filled with great conversation and laughter.


pub crawl

Last night my neighborhood opted to forgo the lukewarm hotdogs of Neighbors Night Out in favor of the 1st annual neighborhood pub crawl. We started by meeting at the top of the stairs and walking down to Rocky's. I broke off from the group around 8:30 while they went on to Cambridge House ..... and beyond.... I met a couple that has lived up in the neighborhood for over 30 years but they were new neighbors to me. I always walk back to my house with a real sense of pride and gratefulness when we have good neighborhood outings, because it isn't always the case.

We also started our 2 day MOBL NOBL design charrette today. I'm writing this after the first session, and so far so good. It's just really difficult to get a handle on the many changing facets of the neighborhood. I just have to keep remembering that you never can have all the information you need to make a good decision. I'm hopeful that this open, participatory process will lend to better decisions though. This process is the closest I've seen our neighborhood (or any neighborhood) get toward having a community vision. It will be fun to see what actually has legs and what was just a bad idea.