

With State of Michigan Data (big circle)

Without State of Michigan Data


off the grid

Sorry folks, I went "off-the-grid" there for about a month. I've been working hard to finish up a project and my eyes are just able to start focusing on distant objects again. A life spent 18 inches from a computer screen all day is not good for the soul. So as I come out of the haze, here are some fun things I'm working on around the hood.

1) We've been working with Calvin to see what the viability of wind energy is up at Newberry. We are meeting with the city tomorrow to check in to see what other barriers might be in place. I'm really enthralled with the idea of a Wind Energy Community Co-op where members buy in and offset their own power use. Like most things in my life, Denmark is the source of inspiration.

2) Coit Bridge reconstruction is moving forward well, and the final designs should be coming out soon. The new design has big sidewalks and native plantings. It has a hefty price tag, but I think there is an opportunity to raise some money for this thing.

3) Jon and I have been testing out geocaching and have found a couple locations in the neighborhood. I'll let you know what these modern-day treasure hunters find.

4) My neighbor April has just started up a great new blog called my-grandma-was-green I'll also post a link in my sidebar. But I encourage folks to surf over and check out the story of her living this year like her grandma did 40+ years ago.