
christmas party

Last night Nora and I went to the Lighthouse Communities Christmas party. As some of you know, about 5 years ago I started working for City Vision, a sister organization of Lighthouse. Lighthouse has been really generous both to City Vision and to me personally over the past few years. When City Vision went "virtual" last year, Lighthouse allowed me to keep a desk in the corner for my computer and some files. This has really been great for me because I value the comrodery and friendship of all of the Lighthouse staff.

At the party, all the staff was encouraged to bring dishes from their heritage or tradition. We ate like kings and queens and were able to partake in foods from Egypt, Dutch/Indonesia, Urban America, Venezuala and Mexico (we also sampled tequila from Mexico). What an amazing feast. Lighthouse has done such a fantastic job of living out its values of acceptance and innovation be hiring such a qualified and diverse staff. And I know this has made everyone's lives richer.

During the meal, Dave and Donna got a call from their son, Don, who is currently stationed in Iraq. You can read more about Dave's experience at his blog (linked on the right). Two soldiers of Don's unit were shot yesterday. Dave and Donna were obviously shaken up by this event last night, but they also have to live with uncertainty and worry every day that Don is over there. A report I read last week says that we have now been in Iraq longer than our entire engagement in WWII. As Dave and Donna shared the news I became both saddened and furious, not that we are still in Iraq, but that some of us are being asked to carry this burden of war while others are not made to sacrifice. My friend Earl and I were talking on the street the other day in the Madison neighborhood (80%+ black) and we see military recruiters combing the streets. I work at the Community College and daily see recruiters positioned in the hallways. Are these same recruiters setting up shop at our private colleges? Have our taxes gone up to support this war effort? Have I ever been asked by my government to do anything in support of this war other than to buy more stuff to keep the economy on track?

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